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March: Book Two, by John Lewis Andrew Aydin
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"With March, Congressman John Lewis takes us behind the scenes of some of the most pivotal moments of the Civil Rights Movement. In graphic novel form, his first-hand account makes these historic events both accessible and relevant to an entire new generation of Americans." - LeVar Burton"A must-read monument... As Rep. Lewis continues to carry the civil-rights flame, this graphic achievement is a firsthand beacon that burns ever relevant today." - The Washington Post"This memoir puts a human face on a struggle that many students will primarily know from textbooks... Visually stunning, the black-and-white illustrations convey the emotions of this turbulent time... This insider's view of the civil rights movement should be required reading for young and old; not to be missed." - School Library Journal (starred review)"Heroism and steadiness of purpose continue to light up Lewis's frank, harrowing account of the civil rights movement's climactic days... Powell's dark, monochrome ink-and-wash scenes add further drama to already-dramatic events." - Kirkus Reviews (starred review)
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About the Author
Congressman John Lewis was a leader in the American Civil Rights Movement. He was chairman of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and played a key role in the struggle to end segregation. Despite more than 40 arrests, physical attacks, and serious injuries, John Lewis remained a devoted advocate of the philosophy of nonviolence. He is co-author of the first comics work to ever win the National Book Award, the #1 New York Times bestselling graphic novel memoir trilogy MARCH, written with Andrew Aydin and illustrated by Nate Powell. He is also the recipient of numerous awards from national and international institutions including the Lincoln Medal, the John F. Kennedy "Profile in Courage" Lifetime Achievement Award, and the NAACP Spingarn Medal, among many others. He lives in Atlanta, GA.Andrew Aydin is creator and co-author of the #1 New York Times best-selling graphic memoir series, MARCH. Co-authored with Rep. Lewis and illustrated by Nate Powell, MARCH is the first comics work to ever win the National Book Award, and is a recipient of the Will Eisner Comics Industry Award, the Robert F. Kennedy Book Award Special Recognition, and the Coretta Scott King Book Award Author Honor, among other honors. Aydin's other comics works include writing the 2016 X-Files Annual (IDW), writing for the 2016 CBLDF Annual Liberty (Image), and writing an upcoming issue of Bitch Planet (Image).Nate Powell is a New York Times best-selling graphic novelist born in Little Rock, Arkansas in 1978. He began self-publishing at age 14, and graduated from School of Visual Arts in 2000. His work includes March, You Don't Say, Any Empire, Swallow Me Whole, The Silence Of Our Friends, The Year Of The Beasts, and Rick Riordan's The Lost Hero. Powell is the first and only cartoonist ever to win the National Book Award. Powell has discussed his work at the United Nations, as well as on MSNBC's The Rachel Maddow Show and CNN.
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Product details
Series: March (Book 2)
Paperback: 192 pages
Publisher: Top Shelf Productions; First Edition edition (January 20, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1603094008
ISBN-13: 978-1603094009
Product Dimensions:
6.6 x 0.5 x 9.5 inches
Shipping Weight: 15.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.7 out of 5 stars
209 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#12,164 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
It's not a quick read (that is a good thing). It is packed with details about from the Civil Rights movement of the early 1960's. John Lewis is the focal point, but it covers some of Dr. King's work, the Freedom Rides and a lot of the work performed by the SNCC. The artwork does a wonderful job portraying the scenes, including the stores, cars, streets and furniture. The art also conveys the emotions of the characters (on all sides) quite well.It is being advertised as a teaching tool for young people. That is true, and it can be very effective. I am a 38 year old professional who majored in history and teaches social work at Rutgers. I learned a ton from this.
Wow, this book is just stunning both with its graphics and its message. In Book Two, we are now in the "heart" of the peaceful protests. Those who are running the restaurants and movie theaters have decided that they're going to escalate. Not only do they just call in the cops. They try to poison the peaceful occupiers. Lawyers who simply walk into a police station to check on their client are brutally beaten by the police. Buses are set on fire. People out walking are shot and killed. It is staggering the open level of anger that erupts - and again I point out that the protesters were **peaceful**. The protesters don't even fight back! They lay there, passive, and the locals angrily stomped on and brutalized them. It is a quite heart-rending commentary on the cruelty within some people to do those sorts of actions to another human being.And it wasn't that long ago.It's also fair to say that there are clearly some people left who still have that hatred within them, as countless dash-cam and cellphone video have proven. Hopefully overall as a society we find it much more a horrific outlier and not "just the way things are."I love the interweaving between the Obama inauguration and the events of the past that people had to survive (and some did not). It brings even more power to the message. And I greatly admire the style and nature of the graphics. I think they perfectly bring to life the darkness but also the optimism of what was happening.Well recommended. A must-read.
My husband has been reading this series to our 8 year old son and they really enjoy them. It is a fantastically written book for curious children's minds and evokes good conversations that should be had in this day and age with our children. Now, more than ever it is important to remember where our country has come from and not forget that it has been a fight all the way. We don't want history to slide back and these candid conversations to next generations can open up minds and instill a desire for unity. John Lewis is a truly remarkable person of our times and his writings are a must read for children and adults, alike.
I bought this series for my niece who is starting her first year as an English teacher in Southern Illinois because she's building a library in her classroom. She was almost rhapsodic. She says that the format - the writing and the art - offers great insight to young people with widely varying reading skills and social backgrounds. Probably more importantly, it provides them with an historic perspective they might not respond to at all if it were presented in another format or medium.
I had to get this book for a college class on modern American history that I had to write an essay for. The fact that it is a graphic novel makes it so much easier to read. I read this book in a day and it was great (consider my other sources nearly put me to sleep).
... are a gift.As LeVar Burton says, "With MARCH, Congressman John Lewis takes us behind the scenes of some of the most pivotal moments of the Civil Rights Movement in graphic novel form, his first-hand account makes these historic events both accessible and relevant to an entire new generation of Americans."I would add - and reminds us all how much remains to be done.
March: Book Two by John Lewis, Andrew Aydin, and artist Nate Powell is the second part of John Lewis’ graphic memoir that shifts from the Civil Rights movement in 1960-63 to 2009 when President Barack Obama is inaugurated — the first black President of the United States. The backdrop helps to frame the entire movement and its struggle — a struggle that continues to this day as discrimination continues, though in more camouflaged ways.Read the full review[...]
March: Book Two continues the wonderful work began in Book One. I love the use of the graphic novel to tell Mr. Lewis's story. I can't wait for Book Three to come out. I truly hope that there are history teachers out there that began to use these works in their classrooms. I think that students would benefit learning about the civil rights movement in a new way.
American heroes are becoming harder and harder to find. Here is the story of Congressman John Lewis as a courageous young man in the Civil Rights Movement. The story is as important today as it was a half century ago. It is an American Classic.
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