Minggu, 27 Agustus 2017

PDF Download The Complete Guide to Sales Force Incentive Compensation: How to Design and Implement Plans That Work

PDF Download The Complete Guide to Sales Force Incentive Compensation: How to Design and Implement Plans That Work

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The Complete Guide to Sales Force Incentive Compensation: How to Design and Implement Plans That Work

The Complete Guide to Sales Force Incentive Compensation: How to Design and Implement Plans That Work

The Complete Guide to Sales Force Incentive Compensation: How to Design and Implement Plans That Work

PDF Download The Complete Guide to Sales Force Incentive Compensation: How to Design and Implement Plans That Work

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The Complete Guide to Sales Force Incentive Compensation: How to Design and Implement Plans That Work


“[The authors] wrote a definitive book on this topic... I highly recommend it.” -BusinessWeek Online

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“Andris Zoltners, Parbhakant Sinha, and Sally Lorimer wrote a definitve book on this topic, The Complete Guide to Sales Force Incentive Compensation: How to Design and Implement Plans that Work (Amacom, 2006). It’s about 500 pages long and costs $65. That may sound expensive until you realize that’s the cost of about 30 minutes of consulting, and less than the price of one ‘please don’t leave us to work for our competitor’ lunch, I highly recommend it.” --Michelle Nichols, BusinessWeek.com columnist

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"""Rich with real examples and analysis, this is the best book I have seen on sales force compensation."" -- Philip Kotler, S. C. Johnson Distinguished Professor of International Marketing, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University “The 3-Cs framework in this excellent book takes a strategic approach to compensation that is practical and really motivates for the right results.” -- Neil Rackham, author of SPIN Selling “This book does a wonderful job of highlighting how sales force incentives fit within the overall context of the sales effectiveness system.” -- Jeff Foland, Vice President of Sales, United Airlines “This brilliantly architected book is not just a ‘must read,’ it is a ‘must act upon’ if you want to improve your bottom line.” -- Kash Rangan, Malcolm McNair Professor of Marketing, Harvard Business School “The authors use examples of the real-world challenges of scores of companies to create a road map to effective sales force compensation.” -- John T. Early, Vice President–Sales and Marketing, Harley-Davidson Financial Services Inc. “Tapping into a wealth of academic and workplace experience, this guide answers all the compensation questions your organization is asking -- or should be asking.” -- Mark A. Bate, President, MasterBrand Cabinets Inc./HomeCrest Cabinetry “A comprehensive guide to effective compensation programs for all environments, whether the sales force is large or small or the products are complex or simple.” -- Stephen Grimaldi, Vice President–Compensation & Benefits, GE Consumer Finance–Americas ""This book expertly balances qualitative and quantitative considerations for developing and implementing sales force incentive programs."" -- Bill Kotcher, Market Manager, UGI/AmeriGas Propane ""This book provides clear instruction for the important problems of how to set goals, how to measure performance, and how to effectively manage change."" -- Peggy Forssell, Director, Sales Operations, Summit, NJ"

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See all Editorial Reviews

Product details

Paperback: 496 pages

Publisher: AMACOM; First edition (August 7, 2006)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0814437737

ISBN-13: 978-0814437735

Product Dimensions:

7 x 1.2 x 9.9 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.6 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

3.9 out of 5 stars

9 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#1,245,448 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Provided great deal of options when offering compensation to clients

I have purchased and read just about every Sales Comp book on Amazon. This is by far the most comprehensive and contains the most real-world examples. Very pleased with this purchase.

Good read, very informative and insightful.

An extremely good book for understanding the specifics of different approaches to sales compensation along with appropriate rationales.

Very good

I do have a collection of books on sales compensation. The writers have ABOLUTELY no idea on "the happening world of sales". Just another bunch of academicians who think their book is worthwhile once you put in a lot of non useable charts. DO NOT BUY THIS BOOK, it does not worth a cent. Buy instead CICHELLI's Sales Compensation which is very practical and useable.

Planning the ideal salesforce incentive compensation program is very challenging. Pay enough, and you'll energize your salespeople. Pay too much, and you'll throw money away while turning salespeople into loafers who can get by on fewer sales. Pay too little, and you'll push your best salespeople out the door. But how much is enough, too much or too little? How do you figure out the best mix of salary, commissions and bonuses to pay your salespeople? This comprehensive compensation guide is a good place to start answering these questions. Written by sales and marketing experts Andris A. Zoltners, Prabhakant Sinha and Sally E. Lorimer, this is your essential map for developing and implementing the ideal compensation incentive plan for your salespeople. getAbstract recommends it to sales managers who want to do a better job of meeting their personnel needs and, therefore, their sales targets. (Read this before you negotiate compensation with anyone else.)

If you do not hold a PHD do NOT buy this book. It is easy enough to read BUT is almost too complete. Well orginized and follows the mantra per chapter of tell em what your gonna tell em, tell em and tell em what you just told em - intro -body- review. I am using it for a reference on an upper level class at local University BUT cannot really use it for practical application @ work (establishing/revising sales compensation for our in house reps). Would love to see a Cliff Notes version or workbook by the same authors - they are very knowledgable and give you great practical case studies per topic just ends up being too much of a good thing :)

The Complete Guide to Sales Force Incentive Compensation: How to Design and Implement Plans That Work PDF
The Complete Guide to Sales Force Incentive Compensation: How to Design and Implement Plans That Work EPub
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The Complete Guide to Sales Force Incentive Compensation: How to Design and Implement Plans That Work Kindle

The Complete Guide to Sales Force Incentive Compensation: How to Design and Implement Plans That Work PDF

The Complete Guide to Sales Force Incentive Compensation: How to Design and Implement Plans That Work PDF

The Complete Guide to Sales Force Incentive Compensation: How to Design and Implement Plans That Work PDF
The Complete Guide to Sales Force Incentive Compensation: How to Design and Implement Plans That Work PDF

Rabu, 16 Agustus 2017

Free Download Nevertheless: A Memoir, by Alec Baldwin

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Nevertheless: A Memoir, by Alec Baldwin

Nevertheless: A Memoir, by Alec Baldwin

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Nevertheless: A Memoir, by Alec Baldwin


“[A] rich, fascinating, occasionally irascible chronicle.” (Entertainment Weekly)“Swift, eloquent, witty.” (Chicago Tribune)

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About the Author

Alec Baldwin is a multiple Emmy, Golden Globe, and Screen Actors Guild Award-winning actor, producer, comedian, and philanthropist. He has also been nominated for an Oscar and a Tony Award and the author of the New York Times bestseller A Promise to Ourselves. He lives in New York City with his wife, Hilaria, and their three children.

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Product details

Paperback: 288 pages

Publisher: Harper Paperbacks; Reprint edition (October 31, 2017)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0062409719

ISBN-13: 978-0062409713

Product Dimensions:

5.3 x 0.7 x 8 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.9 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.0 out of 5 stars

248 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#424,869 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

I'm five years older than Baldwin.I remember when I used to see him in the nineties, I always thought, "Now, there's a guy who's got it all going on. He's in the movies making gobs of money, he's married to a goddess." When I'd hear him talk about his marriage to Kim Bassinger, he was always funny. He reminded me of my brother.I was genuinely shocked when he and Bassinger split up. Then his first book came out.In those days I would go lie on the floor of my kid's bedroom and read him a story. Then while he fell asleep, I would lie there and read something for myself. It was there on the bedroom floor that I read Baldwin's first book.I could not believe what I was reading.It was so different from my imaginings about his life that it reminded me of the old TS Elliot poem that says, "Between the idea and the reality, falls the shadow."In that book, I read about his agonizing love for his child, then i looked over at my kid quietly sleeping, and bonded with Baldwin. When I finished the book, I actually went back and read it again, like driving by a gut wrenching wreck then going around the block and cruising it again to see if it was as horrendous as you'd thought. (it was.)This book is very different from that one. This is the Big View of his life from the beginning till now.But the real hero of this book isn't Baldwin. The real hero of this book is Baldwin's father.Baldwin's father was a guy with six kids who basically worked himself to death trying to propel them all to something better than he had, which is what every parent who's worth a damn wants. But he was an idealistic, self-sacrificing person who was a real bedrock of civilization sort of guy. He was so idealistic that in June of 1968 he rounded up his six kids and drove them to Robert Kennedy's funeral.While they were standing in line at the funeral a wandering radio announcer shoved a microphone in a young Alec Baldwin's face and asked him if he would pray for Senator Kennedy.Baldwin then recited the "Hail Mary" prayer on the radio for Robert Kennedy. Millions of New Yorkers must have heard it.The weird thing is earlier tonight I was talking to my son, now twenty, who is taking an American History class in college. He looked up at me out of the blue and asked, "Is 1968 the year you're always going on about?" I said yes.He said, "It says here 1968 was a year when crises came so quickly that it seemed as if the fabric of society itself was dissolving."I then told him, "The day Robert Kennedy died I remember thinking that the whole idea of America, a place where all these different kinds of people are trying to live together, might not workout. It just might not be possible. I was a Junior High kid thinking that on my own!"Then I went in and opened Baldwin's book and read the story about Alec Baldwin saying Hail Mary for Robert Kennedy on the radio.These are the publicly shared moments that make us a community.This is an extremely American book and a story shaped by its time. Baldwin's father was a tragic, heroic man it would be as hard to forget as Willy Loman in "Death of a Salesman." He never managed to lift his family completely out of poverty but he died trying. Even more poignant, he didn't live to see any of the success of Baldwin or his siblings.All I can tell you is this is a book I'm glad I read..In a way I think it's stupid to write a review of a book by a huge celebrity, but my understanding is that so many of these bad reviews were written by people who dislike Baldwin because of his politics that I decided to do it anyway. I live in the South but I'm blue to the bone. True Blue. About fifteen years ago, I told a friend I intend to go to my grave a Bobby Kennedy democrat and I meant it. Baldwin's dad was a Bobby Kennedy democrat too, and it's for him I really wrote this review. It seems like the least I can do..Thanks for reading this.

Perhaps the title "memoir" is misleading. The book is about Baldwin's love of acting in all of its many forms and his sponge-like ability to absorb something from virtually every person in the business (cinematography, production assistant, writer, even a driver) as well as other actors and comedians. His intelligence is apparent in his writing. The portion of the book that I always skip in celebrity bios - the childhood - is riveting. He had an unconventional conventional upbringing that must have been bewildering to everyone in the household yet all 6 kids made it out and into something productive. He credits both parents bringing acting into his life. Interestingly, both parents slept while Baldwin sat in the same room with them and watched their soaps and movies.Baldwin is specific about the two passions in his life - acting and politics. As a child, his father drove to DC for JFK's funeral and a few years later, his father took a 10-year-old Baldwin along with 2 of his siblings to RFK's funeral at St. Patrick's Cathedral in a snaking line to file past the casket. As a poly sci major at George Washington University, he interned for his congressman in DC. Baldwin chronicles how he moved twoard acting, how he trained inside and outside the classroom, became a hot commodity for a moment and then fell away. He writes an ode to his mentors. He doesn't blame others too much. The word "luck" is used often. He cops to but doesn't describe in detail bad decisions. He justifies his actions against paparazzi who cross the line. He chronicles the seismic shift in acting from theatre to blockbusters to indies to TV and shows made to stream because he lived it and had to adjust his career accordingly.Throughout, he was in leadership positions in political education organizations mentored by the late Ron Silver and the late Christopher Reeve, registered voters in Massachusetts for Ted Kennedy with Michael Kennedy, and worked for candidates. He has political cred; he's not the mouthy no-nothing he's sometimes portrayed.This is a great book for anyone interested in acting, how the business works, or wants to become an actor. It's tough. This is not a tell-all. You won't get the goods on other actors other than their special acting chops or names and details of sex partners.

I notice vindictive trolls have taken over the reviews. It's clear they didn't read the book, but I actually did. I like Alec, but even the most arch Conservative who is honest, unlike the trolls, would have to concede that Alec is a fine writer, an astute observer, and has an extremely sharp wit. There's no pussyfooting around with him. If you want a good read about a real person with an interesting life, this book provides it.

The fact that I picked this book to read surprised me because I've never been a big follower of Alec Baldwin. If I thought of him at all it was probably in the context of people with anger issues. But after watching him play Trump on SNL, I was interested. Reading this introduced me to a whole new person. What I thought I knew were misconceptions, due, unfortunately to my willingness to believe snapshots the media presents as the whole truth. This was a very well-written, thoughtful, surprisingly open account of how Alec Baldwin came to be Alec Baldwin. What you think you know is only minutely correct. He pretty much lays bare his mistakes, insecurities, passion, love, despair, and hope. I would recommend this to anyone.

I really enjoyed this book. He is such an excellent actor and a smart man. He's accountable when he's wrong and a good person.

I know the far right has no use for AB, but I found the book entertaining , informative and an easy read. Read it in three sittings. .

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Nevertheless: A Memoir, by Alec Baldwin PDF

Minggu, 06 Agustus 2017

Ebook Free Iconography of Power: Soviet Political Posters under Lenin and Stalin

Ebook Free Iconography of Power: Soviet Political Posters under Lenin and Stalin

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Iconography of Power: Soviet Political Posters under Lenin and Stalin

Iconography of Power: Soviet Political Posters under Lenin and Stalin

Iconography of Power: Soviet Political Posters under Lenin and Stalin

Ebook Free Iconography of Power: Soviet Political Posters under Lenin and Stalin

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Iconography of Power: Soviet Political Posters under Lenin and Stalin


"This book reveals a great deal about Soviet culture and should become essential reading for all those interested in the history of Russian politics, society, culture, and art."--Christina Lodder, "Slavic Review

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From the Inside Flap

"An invaluable book that makes available a huge fund of visual material from Soviet Russia and provides a rich contextualization of these images. Much larger in scope than a study of political posters, Iconography of Power traces the remarkable evolution of Soviet culture."―Katerina Clark, author of Petersburg, Crucible of Cultural Revolution"In this wonderful book, Victoria Bonnell draws us into the dramatic world of Soviet political culture in the times of Lenin and Stalin. Using the powerful images encoded in a dazzling array of political posters, she enables us to experience Soviet values and sensibilities. Iconography of Power is vibrant, lucid, and elegant.―Nina Tumarkin, author of Lenin Lives!"A worthy contribution both to the study of Russia's visual arts in the Soviet era and to sociology and political thought in the Soviet Union down to the 1950s."―S. Frederick Starr, author of Red and Hot

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Product details

Paperback: 384 pages

Publisher: University of California Press; First edition (October 12, 1999)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0520221532

ISBN-13: 978-0520221536

Product Dimensions:

6.1 x 0.8 x 9.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.7 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.4 out of 5 stars

7 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#631,730 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

I have an extensive collection of Soviet posters and consider this book a good, even seminal, work on the subject, but the writing is horribly dull and mostly made of the well-nigh incomprehensible academic goop that made the idea of graduate school so unappealing. If you are interested in Soviet posters or propaganda posters as a general matter you would do better with "Persuasive Images" or any of several commercial sites that sell original posters on the net. This is not a general interest book and those looking for an interest collection of posters to view would do better elsewhere.What's worse, though, is that the author describes in great detail about posters not even pictured in the book. Since these posters are not in general circulation, the author has done a great disservice by not providing more representations of the works which she discusses.Still, it does have some interesting information about Soviet poster art, if you can manage to get through the bootstrap proto-feminist garbage about Soviet women...

I like most writings in Sociology. Bonnells book does not disappoint, I would highly recommend this book.

Well researched and very interesting.

The scholarship is quite new for Westerners but is more common sense for those with the joy of life under Communism. That does not detract from the pioneering nature of her study though.The real stars of the book are the posters themselves. For however much ink has been spilled describing them, few academics actually give pictures of them when discussing them. Collections of propaganda posters do exist but even the Russian ones are far from complete but even the collections sold in Moscow gift stores are more complete than this.That is not surprising nor should it be taken too negatively, the author can only discuss so much in a sufficient level of detail. The book may be broken down into several key themes. These would be import and nature of propaganda posters in a time where even newspapers were a luxury. The early ideological and artistic influences on the posters designed is quite interesting but sadly is only partially covered in favor of analyzing the works from a sociological perspective emphasizing the distinctions between the Bolshevik Intelligentsia, the Urban audiences, and the rural audiences.This last element is the best presented. The differences in time, relative literacy, symbolism, and political influences and ideological priority between rural areas and the urban workers is massive in considering how propaganda was framed (literally!) and to what it was oriented. Posters displaying peasants were not always directed towards the rural population and the occasional gaffs of the propaganda artists are instructive as well.The next focus is on the cementing of Communist power and the efforts to reach out to the peasantry (which foundered in the face of actual harsh and cruel policies but was nonetheless in name) to broaden the scope and effectiveness of indoctrination efforts. The coverage of wartime posters is slightly less detailed but she finds time to talk more about the actual artists of the time than in earlier sections. The subject of the Postwar "High Stalinism" is interesting but is sadly left relatively unfulfilled.The writing style has been described negatively by one reviewer and defended by another. The problem is two-fold. One is the need to explain a number of concepts that could have been done in English but to do so does not allow the author to show off her knowledge of Russian. The second is the Sociological approach she uses that comes from an academic culture hat is jargon-ridden. It has been said (often more in jest) that academics will not use one word when ten will do. There is some truth to it but most of the opaqueness has been clarified and contracted in the earlier sections. The editing seems to be poorer in the late-middle and the end as she becomes more needlessly verbose in it.This is a valuable secondary source for the student and casual researcher alike. Her analysis is short-reaching but still quite valuable in understanding this and some ideological facets of the Soviet Union in the time period. It is not always an enjoyable read given her writing style but the information is worth the occasional desire to claw out one's eyes at the excessive writing. (Humorous quote but not my own: "Excessive verbosity causes communicative ennui")This is worth the money for the first three chapters for almost anybody. Chapters four and six are going to be more interesting to students of the Soviet ideological changes and dull to anyone else.A dull read at times but fascinating one the sociological writing style is overcome.

I do not agree that this is a sociology of Soviet posters, in the sense that it is a "long range" cultural analysis of their meaning. I think that the book's highlight is exactly in drawing a connection between changes in artistic style and "short range" political events. So, in the early days of Soviet power- from Lenin's time down to collectivization - one has an Expressionistic, unreal style that tries, above all, to convince strikingly the viewer to support a given political "lime". After Stalin's consolidation as leader, one has a pseudo-realistic style praising the "actual" quality of living in the USSR, in order to obtain the passive acquiescence of the viewer. Very useful book. Can be used - with due guidance - at undergraduate level.

Iconography of Power is a must if you want to understand how Bolsheviks managed to seize the meaning of the revolution and mobilize the largely illiterate population in the name of Marxist philosophical abstractions, such as socialism or communism. They did it with pictures - using posters and other forms of visual political propaganda aimed at the population accustomed to venerating religious icons. This is a real history of Soviet visual propaganda written by a sociologist, who understands the way both art and power work in an actual political context. Indispensable in college courses dealing with Communist Russia as well as other regimes of its kind in the 20th century.

I respectfully disagree with the reviewer who found the writing dull. I found myself unable to put this book down, and plowed through the 300+ pages in only a few days. Bonnell is a very insightful and careful scholar, who does an excellent job decoding the visual language of Soviet propaganda posters. In the process, she transcends the apparent limitations of the subject matter: by the end of the book, I felt that I had gained a greater ability to understand visual symbolism in general, and also understood a great deal more about Soviet history and the process of collectivization.If you have any interest in contemporary Soviet history, I'd highly recommend this book. I hope that Victoria Bonnell continues her great scholarship!

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Iconography of Power: Soviet Political Posters under Lenin and Stalin PDF

Iconography of Power: Soviet Political Posters under Lenin and Stalin PDF
Iconography of Power: Soviet Political Posters under Lenin and Stalin PDF

Sabtu, 05 Agustus 2017

Ebook Robin, by Dave Itzkoff

Ebook Robin, by Dave Itzkoff

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Robin, by Dave Itzkoff

Robin, by Dave Itzkoff

Robin, by Dave Itzkoff

Ebook Robin, by Dave Itzkoff

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Robin, by Dave Itzkoff


A New York Times BestsellerNamed a Best Book of the Year by Amazon, Vulture, San Francisco Chronicle, AARP The Magazine, Mental Floss, The Sunday Times, Writer's Bone, and Barnes and Noble"A must-read."―Vogue"Dave Itzkoff allows readers a rare intimate look at Robin Williams in this honest and emotional biography of the late entertainer. . . . Robin is a fresh look at a man loved by many but truly understood by few."―Time"Will make you weep in missing him just as much as you laugh in remembering him."―Entertainment Weekly"Immersive, intimate and incredibly detailed. . . . A revealing, warts-and-all portrait of a man of great talent trying to design a career and a life while being buffeted around by a cacophony of contradictory voices and impulses. . . . The result of exhaustive research and fan-like devotion."―Merrill Markoe, Washington Post"A breathtakingly good biography, exhilarating a lot of the time, yet disturbing, too, and one of the best books ever written about anyone who sees no way out of life except by trying to make people laugh. Or is it weeping? Who can tell in a storm?"―David Thomson, San Francisco Chronicle "A generous, appreciative biography of Robin Williams by a New York Times culture reporter. The author, who had access to Williams and members of the comedian’s family, is an unabashed fan but doesn’t shy away from the abundant messiness in his subject’s personal life."―The New York Times Book Review (editor's choice)"Terrific. . . . Itzkoff captures the ebb and flow of Williams’s career beautifully, with respect and with honesty. . . . [Here is] a life that was both miraculous and troubled, told in an artfully shaped, fact-filled book that honors the truth of his life."―Boston Globe"The biography we've been waiting for. . . . [A] meaty, well-researched, moving story of a man who could never quite come to terms with his own brilliance."―Booklist“This well-written page-turner is the definitive biography of the genius of Robin Williams, whose life redefines the highs and lows of the American dream.”―Steve Martin“[A] page-turner. . . . [Itzkoff keeps] us clued into so many aspects of Williams’ life, with finesse and foreboding, but no showy sentiment. His writing is simply imbued with Williams’ special intimate connection.”―Newsday"[Williams'] life was one of compulsive creativity and genuine kindness and perpetual insecurity and frequent infidelity and uniquely electric imagination. Dave Itzkoff’s biography 'Robin' gets its hands around as much of that life as possible. It's an incisive, comprehensive, very fine book. . . and the author captures it with grace and evenhanded perception."―Chicago Tribune"Reveals the heart and soul of an icon."―Christian Science Monitor“In Robin, Dave Itzkoff manages to straddle the man and the myth of Robin Williams, all the while helping us see why we fell in love with both. He has written a book about the truth and pain that lies in comedy, and the price paid by a sensitive soul.”―Amy Poehler"[A] really great book - a living chronicle & secret history of 50 years of American pop culture - and you should pick it up!"―Colson Whitehead, Pulitzer Prize- and National Book Award-winning author of The Underground Railroad “Dave Itzkoff’s Robin is much like the man himself―warm, funny, frenetic, with a core of darkness and empathy. It gets at that darkness, and shows how it fueled, beautifully, the manic brain and kinetic body of the man himself. An amazing read."―Patton Oswalt"Thoughtful and devoted. . . .a must-read."―Harper's Bazaar"This book should be on everyone's summer reading list. It's certainly on mine."―James Corden "Many who never knew [Robin Williams] were hit hard by the loss ― how could someone so dizzyingly funny encompass such darkness? Dave Itzkoff’s well-researched, thoughtful biography fills in some of those shadows. . . . Itzkoff, a New York Times reporter, writes with a clear-eyed fondness for his subject (including a moving epilogue in which he discusses his personal encounters with Williams)."―Seattle Times"Captures the magic and the sadness of Robin Williams' life ... a well-researched and solidly written biography."―Dallas Morning News"A revealing portrait of the motivations of a quiet comic genius whose explosive persona moved millions."―Kirkus"Meticulously sourced and comprehensive in scope, Itzkoff's work gives Williams's many fans a rare glimpse of the man behind the celebrity."―Publishers Weekly “This is the complete portrait of Robin Williams, from the boyhood inception of his genius to the complexity of his death. Williams may well be one of those people who are impossible to fully understand, but this book is as close as anyone will ever come.”―Chuck Klosterman, author of But What If We’re Wrong?“Dave Itzkoff has produced a remarkable and empathetic portrait, packed with satisfying detail, of a comic whirligig who could break your heart. He reveals Robin Williams the man with clarity and poignancy.”―Julie Salamon, author of The Devil’s Candy and Wendy and the Lost Boys“For someone who often seemed to wear his heart on his sleeve, Robin Williams was also surprisingly elusive. In his probing and compassionate biography, Dave Itzkoff does justice to both the blazing light and the dark corners in his work and life. Robin is deeply reported, finely attuned to the ebb and flow of a long and singular career, and ultimately very moving.”―Mark Harris, author of Pictures at a Revolution and Five Came Back“Everyone Dave Itzkoff interviewed for his account of Robin Williams’s life and career seems unsure if they fully knew who Williams was and why he did all the things he did, but Itzkoff pieces him together in his entirety. This engrossing book paints a stunningly complete picture of both the man and the comedian. A triumph, and a tragedy."―Alan Sepinwall, coauthor of TV (The Book) and author of The Revolution Was Televised

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About the Author

Dave Itzkoff is the author of Mad as Hell, Cocaine’s Son, and Lads. He is a culture reporter at The New York Times, where he writes regularly about film, television, theater, music, and popular culture. He previously worked at Spin, Maxim, and Details, and his work has appeared in GQ, Vanity Fair, Wired, and other publications. He lives in New York City.

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Product details

Paperback: 560 pages

Publisher: Picador; Reprint edition (May 14, 2019)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1250214815

ISBN-13: 978-1250214812

Product Dimensions:

5.4 x 8.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.1 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.5 out of 5 stars

250 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#253,343 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

I'm not usually a fan of celebrity biographies, but Robin Williams was something special--a singular talent whose intellect and wit that were off the charts. I may have seen only a handful of his movies and never watched more than a few episodes of Mork and Mindy, but if I saw he was going to be on a talk show, I seldom missed it.This exhaustively researched book,written by NY Times reporter Dave Itzkoff, delves into every aspect of Williams's life, from his lonely but privileged childhood, to his early successes and his later uneven career in films, to his demons, philandering and substance abuse and finally his gut-wrenching suicide after developing Lewy body dementia.In the public eye, Williams was larger than life, but in private he was an insecure little boy, desperate for adulation and attention and willing to do almost anything to get it. His judgment was often flawed, whether cheating on his wives, choosing to make movies that were duds, or descending into addiction at the expense of his family. At the same time, he was brilliant at stand-up and in the right roles, unforgettable on the big screen ("Good Morning, Vietnam," "Dead Poets Society," "Mrs. Doubtfire," and Good Will Hunting," for which he finally won an Academy Award).His career was in decline when he died, but, oh, the legacy he left!Robin is a behemoth of a book--439 pages of text, several more selected work and awards, and over 50 pages of notes.sourcing pretty much everything in the book. (The acknowledgements give you an idea of just how many interviews and how much research was required to produce it/) This is, as the cover copy declares, the definitive biography of Williams, warts and all, and in its own way, it's as unforgettable as its subject.

My concern about Mr. Itzkoff's 'Robin' was that the book would simply be a hagiography, because so little time has passed since Mr. Williams committed suicide. Emotions are likely still raw for many of the people who knew the comic genius when interviewed by the author. Glossing over Mr. Williams's less appealing qualities was a distinct possibility. Fortunately, Mr. Itzkoff shows a great deal of professionalism by giving a balanced portrayal.At 440 pages, the book is more an overview than a deeply in-depth work such as James Kaplan's two-volume biography about Frank Sinatra. I'd imagine that if anyone were to undertake such an exercise about Mr. Williams, a decade or so will have had to pass for a less misty-eyed evaluation. It is understandable. Mr. Itzkoff's portrayal shows the life of a true artist who, as his first wife states, was a stimulus junkie and a brilliant gentle soul. There is a lot to admire about the late Robin Williams and some aspects that are more sad than accusatory. His genius was unique but seemed to come along with some less than desirable traits of self-destruction. The biography covers such topics as his peripatetic childhood, comedy clubs, his rapid rise to stardom, methods behind his improvisation, his three marriages, the various reactions by critics to many of his movies, some details about the creation of his more successful films, the accusations of plagiarism, his relationship with famous friends like Billy Crystal, John Belushi, Christopher Reeves, and Richard Pryor, Comic Relief, becoming a parent, his idol Jonathan Winters, his philanthropy, and the creation of 'Mork & Mindy.' Mr. Williams's more destructive actions such as drug use and infidelities are touched upon but the author mostly avoids giving salacious details. The last thirty-five pages linger upon the reactions of Robin Williams's suicide, the diagnosis of Lewy body dementia, and the conflicts over his estate by his third wife and the Williams children.There is a great deal within 'Robin' that was news to me. Mr. Itzhoff has a nice clear writing style which made the book an enjoyable read. However, while the comic had his ups and downs, the last third of the biography becomes more and more melancholy. If the reader is anything like me, you will come away from 'Robin' with an appreciation of his genius and compassion as well as sad about his less admirable qualities. The humble artist was truly in a league of his own.

In his new biography "Robin," author Dave Itzkoff relates an anecdote in which while he is doing a story on Robin Williams back in the day, he and Robin visit a comic book store together - an offer that Itzkoff initially doesn't take too seriously as that kind of thing is not uncommon with celebrities. However, when the two do go, a customer bumps into Robin and stares open-mouthed at coming face-to-face with a legend in the flesh. In "Robin," Itzhoff gives fans and just those who are interested in learning more about this unique, mercurial comedian/actor a multi-dimensional look that often makes you feel as if you are really meeting Robin in the flesh so to speak. Using extensive interviews with Robin's family, friends and colleagues, Itzhoff traces Robin's development from a young stand-up comedian, to a TV star thanks to "Mork and Mindy," to a struggling actor who at last made it big in Hollywood. In addition, Itzhoff portrays a man who was a flawed individual but one who constantly strove to be better - whether it was as a husband, a father or a friend.Takeaways: The son of a well-to-do executive who had two older half-siblings who did not live with him growing up, Robin had a somewhat isolated youth, especially as his family frequently moved (although he apparently had no problems making friends). After the family moved to California while Robin was a teenager, he found himself exposed to a much more liberal environment in school. Here he also began to consider becoming an actor, a career that his father was not thrilled about - at least not unless his son came up with a practical fallback. Because of this, as Itzhoff notes, Robin saw the concept of "family" and "home" as fluid - it could be wherever you chose to make it. Like many artists, Robin also struggled at times with mood swings, substance abuse, insecurity and envy, although he took steps throughout his life to seek help and generally did not let personal resentment stand in the way of supporting other comics and actors. As "Robin" also meticulously traces the ups and downs of Robin's acting career, which was a decidedly rocky road, it likely won't seem surprising to the reader that the subject struggled to overcome these obstacles. Finally, "Robin" takes a look at the actor's fatal illness which would be posthumously diagnosed as Lewy's body dementia, and the final days leading up to his death. Overall: "Robin" is a well-researched (sometimes a bit too extensive) portrayal of a complex man who changed many lives for the merrier and from whose example to seize the day (like his "Dead Poets Society" character),we could all do well to follow.

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Robin, by Dave Itzkoff PDF